Title: FIRE KNIGHTS — By Clayton Crawford

Clayton Crawford
6 min readNov 23, 2020

“Evasive Action!”

(Battle of the Planets, Hoyt S. Curtin)

Mytika Golgi sitting anxiously inside the stolen Exotic Ship, Inink, and his finger tapped on the armrest. He turned his head toward a woman at her station.

“How soon, before the Emmaga catch up to us, Memaga?”

“Two minutes from my mark!” She turned looking at the Amemager considering he was legally still a teenager as the Befour Race dubbed the term. He had the most beautiful gray skin, a delicious melon bald head and his reflective opaque large oval eyes were adorable.

“Oh would you stop gawking at me like that,” he insisted, “we’re pursued by a hostile and evil force.”

“Pardon me, Sir, but the Emmaga are actually known across the Bubbleverse as peacemakers as well as surgeons of the ocean of both Exotic Space and Outer Space,” a Crewman spoke.

“Did I ask for your critique?”


“Shut up and pay attention to the navigation station!”

“Shields are at full power,” the Weapon’s Engineer reported over the internal Optic-Never Helm speaker.

“Navigator, full rear defense screens, quickly before the Emmaga launch a one-two bare knuckle-punch!” Mytika expressed himself vividly.

“Punch-defense shields on,” the Navigator replied flowing with an exuberant attitude.

Memaga could see Mytika smile. The Navigator was her younger brother, Dimwit, but don’t ever get the image that he’s as silly as planet Zerth Dumbat. Their parents, for whatever delusional thinking, decided to name him Dimwit after a sadomasochist parasitic megalomaniac evangelist control freak featured on Future TV on the Family Channel. Their parents had purchased one of those -100inch super-duper micro-thin Faraway-TVs, capable of up-linking ‘alien TV broadcasts’ just like those Neanderthal TVs used by primitive species, but seriously more advanced than transistors. The TV show was called, ‘Did you lose your mind?’ Parents can be mean, but naming their offspring, a good kid, Dimwit, Memaga did not approve, it was a verbal insult. The moment Memaga after graduating from Brain Food University, ran off pulling Dimwit’s arm and two weeks later right smack-dab into the arms of Mytika, just the dude she hoping the hook up with for life and adventure. Mytika could never stay moody toward Dimwit for any length of time.

“On the ball today, old friend,” he said.

“Incoming energy bolts from the Emmaga cigar ship!” another Crewman shouted.

“Brace yourselves; this is going to be a one-two punch!”

“Virilian Frequency Thrusters now fully charge!” the Sound-Engineer reported.

“Dimwit, quickly active the Virilian Drive, evasive action!”

“Course plotted to Bubbleverse H1N5,” Memaga announced and giggled. “I plotted the moment we got aboard,” she explained.

Looking at the Viewer -3-Star Surgeon-General Samara Oumuamua stood up.

“Lock onto the Inink before Mytika gives us the slip again, Gravity Distortion. Hurry!”

“Their rear deflector shields gave them protection from our energy blast,” Moonknoon responded sitting at his station.

“I can see!”

The Inink performed a standard Leap-Frog maneuver within Exotic Space. It was swallowed by endless coloured ringlets.

“Calculate all possible Bubbleverses from their last trajectory,” Samara ordered and pursue.

“That will take me an hour,” Moonknoon replied casually while working on at the station.

“I will telepathically inform the Exotic Authority of the situation and my Oumuamua World Ship is underway to apprehend a bunch of Amemgagers and pirates and scoundrels. I will be in my Telepathic Chamber for twenty minutes sending the communication,” Samara said.

Fire Log — NO.3721

My full name is Mercer Gwen Ryder, and my rank is Marshal-Fire Knight 2nd level. I am traveling to planet Heart -45678- through Exotic Space, not Outer Space located in Mini-Multiverse Bubbleverse H1N5. My means of travel is riding upon my Pegasus and I am accompanied by a supernatural friend, a Murian, Humble-Kat Bigpaw. He is riding upon the female winged horse breed, a Seagusus. This is one method of traveling through Exotic Space, but a Mahagick Member person, Blaze, is currently developing a vehicle he dubbed, Fire Cycle and they should be in production within the year, by 1891, but currently, it is 1890, May. It won’t be longer than eighteen minutes to planet Heart from the earth.

In my dreams, I can only imagine how frustrated the Emmaga must have been to never capture the Amemagers, Mytika, and Memaga. Their names are written into the Exotic Encyclopedia which the Abraham State, where Fire Knight Academy is located in the United Canamerica. Mytika and Memaga disappeared into one of the millions of Bubbleverses and hunted by the Emmaga in association with the Exotic Authority. It is widely believed those reckless Amemgagers were personally responsible for the cataclysmic incident on planet Zerth thousands of years ago.

The United Canamerica as a country is the envy of earth -34567- with universal health care and affordable housing so the poor can live somewhere, rather than living on the streets and yet homeless does exists, so United Canamerica is not a utopia because the wealthy are by the Law of Great Spirit, must be supportive during tax time or face audits from the tax department. United Canamerica is the largest country starting from the North Pole going as far south and connected to South Canamerica by the World Bridge Corporation.

Myself and Bigpaw are traveling to Heart -45678- meeting up with an Authority Officer (AO) for an assignment which my name got selected like pulling it out of a magician’s hat. I am confused and curious simultaneously.

My Mentor, Master Fire Knight Rhonda Rage told me from time to time, “A Fire Knight will go with the flow and discover their purpose, but always remember the power of choice and flow: go hand in hand.”

The Conversation

(Slip to the Void — Alter Bridge)

Two fearless Fire Knight winged horses flapped mighty wings propelling them and both riders through a swirling tunnel of bluish-white primordial combination liquid energy. The Pegasus Breed horses were a staple to the Fire Knight Community and one male and the other female. Long ago Great Spirit called upon the winged horses to enter an ancient battle verse Lord Arezon-Knysght on Taprobane Island and there is conjecture to precise historical dates since ancient texts contain conflicting reports. And the leader of those original winged horses during the intense battle was King Zeus, and acknowledge by other horses as the lord horses. The winged horses each carried a knight who bravely volunteered from one of twelve mini-multiverses inside Bubbleverse H1N5. It took the winged fleet eighteen minutes to arrive at Taprobane Island and stretching over three days, which time yawned and crawled, as a wounded soldier along with a soggy patch of dirt, but in a sudden burst of action, the Fire Knights thwarted Lord Arezon-Knysght and his army of Phyre Creatures. Great Spirit blessed the chosen heroes and including the Pegasus Breed. To honor the warriors in a single verse spoke the words Fire Knights bestowing upon them a duty far beyond mortals.

King Zeus blessed the warrior horses by sharing a son, to mate with the only female Pegasus Breed and male horses understood the offspring would usher in a new bloodline. The horses knew more because they shared oral stories with younger ones within the Animal Kingdom, a secret conversation expressed through grunts, whinnies, and body language.

And as for Lord Arezon-Knysght, his limp and battered body was imprisoned inside a tomb on Taprobane Island and its location kept from the ancient texts, but the horses knew. And his army of Phyre Creatures lay in scattered bones across the landscape, defeated and dead and destroyed.

Marshal-Knight leaned forward in the saddle keeping her body flat and head tucked next to the horse keeping low. She wore a motorcycle helmet with a face shield. The all-black Fire Knight Mahagick-Fabric Exotic Uniform was designed to withstand extreme temperatures within Exotic Space. Covering her hands were gauntlet gloves. The temperature could ascend to a blistering -140- Fahrenheit in just a few seconds and drop without warning to bone-chilling minus -70-Celcius. The Mahagick-Fabric was invented by a Mahagick Member, a quasi-secret society that everyone spoke about publically, but becoming a member the secret of that specific ingenious and inventive community.

The helmet protected her ears from a variety of exaggerating hollow screeching and piercing sounds occurring throughout the fabric of Exotic Space. The sound could easily puncture the eardrum. Any person not classified as a Superhero or a Supernatural could not perform a gallop across the Hey-Zeus Bridge spanning across the fathoms of Exotic Space.

“We’re approaching our destination threshold, Bigpaw.” Marshal-Knight communicated through a wireless helmet uplink using the best technology of earth -34567-, walkie-talkie. “Are your ears receiving my voice?” she asked speaking in a colloquial Indigenous expression. She was a full blood Antarctican Befour Tribes person.

Static filled the helmet for a couple of seconds.

“Archer’s bull’s-eye,” he answered speaking in Murian Idiom instead of simply saying ‘ten-four’.

“Ten seconds,” she added.


Clayton Crawford’s first novel, CJ Silverstar History 101 is listed on Amazon, but it has absolutely nothing to do with history. It’s a fun story, that’s the theory! I enjoyed writing it, but encourage kids to do better!



Clayton Crawford

I am sorry I do not have a currently photo of myself